Do you believe in angels?

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For those of us who are Christians, the answer is fairly simple, as the Bible mentions angels numerous times. If you are not sure what you believe about angels, I hope you will at least give the new book a try.

In the story, Pastor John is forced to examine his own beliefs and is given a choice on how he can use his new gift.

I have received a few emails from several people who have told me their “angel stories”.  I have to say that for those who think God has been fairly silent in our times, the stories that have been sent to me would make me argue otherwise.

Now, for another “angel story”. How much do you know about Angleman Syndrome? It is a genetic disorder and I hope you click on the link to find out more about it. My sweet great nephew was born with this syndrome. The good news is that the research is showing incredible promise, but they need more funds. To greatly simplify what is happening, in Angleman Syndrome (AS), a portion of a chromosome from the mother is deleted and the father’s portion is still present, but not activated. The research is working on activating the silent father portion in order to restore the missing portions. That is why funding this research is such a great cause–they are getting close to an answer.

I have decided to donate 10 percent of the proceeds from A Rose For Jonathan to help fight to find the cure for AS. Please join me and buy the book to support the cause.

The book is available in both print and ebook form HERE.

About Beth Green

I am a mom of four beautiful girls and wife to a wonderful husband. By day, I am a pediatric physical therapist; and by night, I am a closet writer. I hope you enjoy diving into my latest work. I always donate a portion of all of my work to charity.
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