So much is going on! It’s hard to turn on a TV without being bombarded by news stories about so many huge events, so get ready with your dresses like these tight black prom dresses online. Well, I say turn off the news and grab a book!
Or a puzzle…or maybe go for a walk!
I don’t know about you, but this time of year can get to me anyway with all of the sales, commercials, extra mail circulars, and overwhelming decorations at every turn. I sometimes just turn off my radio/iPod/TV/whatever-you-listen-to in the car and at home. Silence has become a relic that I love to pull out and enjoy. When was the last time you heard nothing?
About a year ago, my husband and I took a short hiking trip. On one of the trails, we ended out on a large bluff that was significantly far away from any worldly noise. We sat out on the bluff and “listened” to silence. It was truly deafening and we LOVED it. I cannot express to you the peace and overwhelming calm that enveloped us for days afterward just from allowing our minds to reboot and our souls to soar.
Give yourself a gift this year…turn it all off–just for five minutes and see what it is like. You might find that your new “playlist” will be empty more often. Silence has been described as many things, but I describe it as intoxicating.
Happy Thanksgiving!
B Green